Over the years, our most frequently asked question has been “where can I buy your remixes so I can listen to them anytime?” Well SKRATCH N SNIFFERS, now we have an answer for you!!
SKRATCH N SNIFF has partnered with Legitmix.com to make available single-song remixes by DJ Mike Czech from the SKRATCH N SNIFF catalog! Their amazing new approach to licensing music that DJs, remix artists, and sampling musicians make has finally allowed us to sell our mixes while at the same time making sure that the bands and labels that we’re remixing get paid as well.
Take a look over at our page at Legitmix.com and get your SKRATCH N SNIFF remix collection started today!!
Check out this quick video that shows what Legitmix is all about.
Legitmix Empowers Artists from Legitmix on Vimeo.