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Ozzy Osbourne Plans Two Shows To Say Goodbye

Ozzy Osbourne’s wife and manager Sharon says that the metal legend plans to perform two final concerts to say goodbye to his fans, and stated that they will be in his hometown of Birmingham, England.

Sharon said via Mirror. “He won’t tour again, but we are planning on doing two more shows to say goodbye as he feels like ‘I have never said goodbye to my fans and I want to say goodbye properly’.”

“His voice is still absolutely perfect,” she continued. “And all the time he has been off, he still does his singing lessons, so his voice is perfect. And he can joke, yeah. He has all these melodies in his head. Even if you don’t like his music, you can’t not like Ozzy; he just draws you in.”

She added, “We will do it in Aston Villa where Ozzy is from.” Meaning Aston Villa’s stadium Villa Park in Ozzy’s hometown of Birmingham.

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